~~~standing together as Ansley battles non-hodgkins lymphoma~~~

ways to serve

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"...for this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you..."

Friday, December 10, 2010


From Amy
Just some things on my mind....

Crazy that in a couple of days life can change so much. Yesterday was a hard day. Big surgery, lots of procedues done at one time (bone marrow, spinal tap, biopsy, port).

Right now in a PET scan. We know it's lymphoma just not one type yet.

Ansley is fiesty and I am thankful. She ate 3 popsicles yesterday and had a fit in the middle of the night because she couldnt have another. She had a hard night with discomfort. Her little body just hurts right now and seeing it hurts our heart more than we thought was ever possible.

Learning to take things moment by moment.

~~pray that we would not look too far into the future but focus on what needs to be done for today, just today.
~~pray that we could be strong for ansley. we dont want her to see us cry and breakdown right now but it is so hard.
~~pray that we would be able to say, "whatever my lot, thou has taught me to say, it is well with my soul."
~~pray for our other little ones. i think they are curious about what's going on and we have told them that she is sick and the doctors are figuring out what is causing her to be sick.

my faith is weak. i am in shock.
