you guys are the absolute best. i am continually amazed by the outpouring of love and offers of help. matt and amy are beyond thankful!
just in case you didn't know, matt's parents and amy's parents are both in town for at least the next month. matt is getting to take some time off work, and both of his brothers and their wives are in town (and cousins!). a beloved aunt lives in town, as well as amy's sister, her husband, and their soon-to-be four children! we praise God that they are surrounded by real flesh and blood family!
as far as basic needs go, (food, playdates, spend the nights, rides), the BASES ARE FULLY LOADED. matt and amy have been meeting with oncologic psychologists who have given them tons of practical advice for the health of their family in the next weeks and months:
1. the kids needs to sleep in their own beds, in their own home, every night. they need to be shuffled around as little as possible (even though we all love them and want to take them with us to all kinds of fun places!)
2. amy's parents will be moving in with them for awhile, so keeping the same routine is so important. there may be a need for rides to and from school in the future, and when the needs arise we will definitely use this blog to communicate those needs. For now, though, amy's mom and dad, and matt's mom and dad, have it covered.
3. you guys are so generous with offers for food. they continue to have enough for now, and we promise that we will post when we are ready to set up a meal schedule.
4. no playdates for now. the need to be careful with germs is so high right now, as well as the need to just keep the kids at home with those closest to them. some of the things you have offered to do with the kids sound SO fabulous, and it is so appreciated! thank you so much for offering to take the kids. with this long treatment stretched out in front of us, there will probably be a need one day for that, but for now, time with family only.
thank you so much for everything!! we will keep in touch with you about every need that arises!