It is so strange to be sitting in the same room as where Ansley was first diagnosed with cancer. Things are a bit calmer around here than yesterday.We still don't have an official answer as to what caused the port problem or the fever. But, what we do know is that she is no longer feverish and so something seems to be working. The port is out which means a new one has to go in. But, she needs 2 weeks of antibiotics before anything else is placed in her body.
The plan as of now is that we will be in the hospital until Wednesday. On Wednesday, Ansley will receive a PICC line instead of a new port at this point. She will have the PICC placed at the same time she has her spinal chemo. She will also receive her "normal" chemo (never thought I would say those words together). We should be able to go home late afternoon if all goes well. She will have the PICC line through the following chemo treatment and then the PICC will be removed. This should run us into mid April. After the PICC is removed, our plan is to move forward with the Make A Wish Disney trip. After we get back from Disney, she will have surgery to have the new port placed in the opposite side of her chest from the first one.
And so we wait. We wait until Wednesday when the next "big" things happen. It is hard to keep an attitude of thankfulness when we are in a small hospital room with Ansley dragging a pole connected to her IV wherever we go. But, nonetheless, we have much to be thankful for. We will update when we know more. The other kids will be coming shortly to the hospital to hang out with us for a while. Jannie and JoJo are doing a great job of keeping them occupied and happy. Thank you for your sweet messages and e-mails. They all get read and bring tears of joy to us that we have so many great friends. Pray Ansley's body continues to heal and get stronger for the next procedures on Wednesday.