~~~standing together as Ansley battles non-hodgkins lymphoma~~~

ways to serve

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"...for this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you..."

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day 2 1/2 of oral chemo. Ansley came to me this morning and said," Mamma, why do I have to be sick? When will this sickness leave my body?" Ugggghhhhh. I wanted to scream and cry at the same time. I'm not really sure how to answer that question to a 5 year old wanting to feel healthy again. I pray that come December there is no more cancer. I pray that Ansley never has to take another another dose of oral chemo or have a port accessed again after December.

Please, please pray for her body to be healed. And, pray that the next few days of oral chemo don't become unbearable for her.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Bumps in the Road

We are sitting in the Peds Hem/Onc Clinic today awaiting chemotherapy. We have visited the 10th floor at Rutledge Tower this morning trying to figure out what is causing our baby girl to have a rash all over her body. Chemo did not go on Wed due to the rash. Labs were drawn on Wed and then we came back today. There was some question as to whether or not chemo should be administered today and the final decision was "yes." Funny thing is I am thankful we got to move forward even though that means the net week will stink. I am thankful when we can stay on schedule so that come December, we can be done. I can't help but want to see our precious Ansley done with treatments.

Honestly, it's been a hard week. So many bumps in the road right now. We, as a family, are trying to have life remain as normal as possible yet there are so many abnormalities. I guess I shouldn't say abnormalities, just new stuff. I think days at the hospital, crying eyes, giving meds and rubbing aching legs are becoming quite normal for us.

The challenge for me is to remain hopeful when things don't go as planned. Is my hope only visible when my circumstances are without challenge? I sure don't want to live that way. I have a hope that does not disappoint and His name is Jesus. WHEN bumps arrive, He is my strength and an ever-present help in times of trouble.

This quote was in the bulletin at church a couple of weeks ago and it has comforted my frustrated and weak heart.
Peace, Love and Joy to you all,

"Circumstances may seem to wreck our lives and God's plans, but GOD IS NOT HELPLESS AMONG THE RUINS. Our broken lives are not lost or useless. God's love is still working. He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it victoriously, working out his wonderful plan of love." -Eric Liddell

Thursday, September 8, 2011

almost done!

Almost done with infusion.
she had a good nap and is awake now.
Here today with Gavin and Garrett.

sleepy girl

infusion going.

she is wiped out.

no reserve left.

sweet dreams

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hard Day

Today I saw that Ansley was not herself. And quite frankly, it is hard. She tried to swim and got so tired and frustrated she stopped. I know she is low on energy and puny, but I saw it first hand today. It is hard to see your kids suffer and not feel "normal". I have to be careful with my mind and not feel sad and defeated because she will sense when I feel like giving up. Please pray for strength.

Tomorrow we go into MUSC for an IVIG infusion. It should help with the energy level and also with her counts bumping higher. It is a long process and has some side effects. I would ask you to pray for her and that the effects of nausea, itching, headaches, etc. would be minimal.

We are pressing on and fighting hard but there are times when it seems like nothing but an uphill battle.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


We have begun the 4th from the last cycle of chemotherapy for Ansley. It is very exciting to think about how little Ansley has left as far as chemo. The day has been hard though. She is yucky, achy, nauseated and fussy. Please pray that we can get the yuckiness under control with meds. All in all, we are okay. Ansley is one tough cookie and I am thankful for that!